Example template Series : Fact on Many 2 Many / Object Link Satellite with Snapshot Dimension

This document describes how a user can configure a template in the VaultSpeed Studio to generate a Fact on an “Object Based” (Many to Many Link) Satellite with Snapshot Dimension based on an insert-only RDV.

Before you explore and use this example template, ensure that you understand the example SQL attached to understand what the template does and that it covers your needs.

This template is designed for:

  • Based on an Object-Based Link Satellite

  • Snapshot Dimension

  • Hardcoded generation of the dimension key values, no check for existence.  A non-existing version will lead to record loss at query time

  • No aggregation in the template

  • the date used for the FACT and dimension snapshot selection must be tagged using a Signature Attribute

  • the measure fields must be tagged using a Signature Attribute

  • All HUBs in the link will be used as a dimension in the Fact



The example that is used in this document is based on a many 2 many link on the purchased products which has multiple satellites.

VSS - Fact on LDS with Snapshot Dimensions.pdf

Other article in the same series: